
Help support the Foundation’s efforts by making a donation using our secure online payment system. Your donation will be used towards a great cause and you will contribute to the organization of activities and projects promoting the development of student abilities. Your donation will also help fund the acquisition of teaching aids and technological equipment and support student publications as well as projects and programs that encourage students to continue their studies.

An income tax receipt will be issued for all donations of more than $10.

Citizenship bursaries

Since 2008, the Foundation has been giving Citizenship Bursaries to graduating students of the Â鶹´«Ã½AV. The graduate nominated for this bursary works as volunteer within the community (family, school, neighbourhood, city, church, charitable or non-profit organization, etc.) Through his/her commitment, individual or collective, the nominee contributes to the well-being and betterment of society.

We are proud to recognize these students who have been role models for their peers.


Since its creation in 2004, the objectives of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Foundation have been to promote and sustain educational, technological, artistic and athletic programs. The Foundation has contributed MORE THAN $1,000,000 to the schools and centres of the Â鶹´«Ã½AV by contributing to various projects and initiatives.

Projects funded by the Foundation Since 2004

Total Amount given to schools/centres to date – $1,018,194

Academics – $100,394

  • Donated $24,000 for the Arundel Nature and Science Centre
  • Contributed $5,000 towards the Montreal Regional Science Fair hosted by Laval Junior / Laval Liberty High Schools
  • Contributed $5000 towards the CRC Robotics Competition hosted by Laval Junior / Laval Liberty High Schools
  • Accelerated Learning Program
  • Adult Education Courses in Lanaudière to increase the graduation rate in that region
  • Science and Math Concentration Program which will be outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment for students
  • Social skills program to improve behaviour & social integration of problem students
  • Choices program
  • Cross-curricular school-wide program to prepare students for reintegration into society
  • Create a student-centered science program
  • Online Math program
  • Literacy Program
  • Specialized School
  • STEM Project
  • Professional Development for Teachers in Nursing & Carpentry
  • Canadian Aboriginal Literature: History in the making
  • Science materials for all SWLSB Grade 3-6 students
  • Libraries at home
  • Science
  • Science/math concentration
  • Salon des métiers
  • I Belong
  • LSA Science Fair
  • Moving for Success
  • ICAN! Succeed at Math
  • Universal Design for Learning and Movement Breaks
  • The Urban Cultivator Experience
  • Learning to Move and Moving to Learn

Arts – $31,940

  • Musical Production where students write, acts, choreograph and play live music in this tradition of creating a Broadway production
  • Artists in Residence Program to increase student involvement in school life and within the community
  • Provide release time and transportation for the annual music tour in Laval
  • Start up a music option program for cycle 1 students
  • How do colours Kindergarten project
  • Chess club
  • SWL Honor band day
  • La Rencontre Art Project
  • Purchase Musical Equipment
  • Express yourself, capture it Art project for kindergarten students
  • Music in the community
  • Revitalizing the Music Department
  • Art project with vernissage
  • Learning by the Rhythm of my own Drum
  • Music In The Community
  • POP Music Course
  • Artists in residence

Awards – $323,011

  • Finance the annual Laurier Gala/Laurier Star Fest
  • Citizenship bursaries to graduating students in the adult and youth sector

Healthy Lifestyle – $125,695

  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind program which will help students develop strong leadership skills and pro-active behavior by exposing them to arts and healthy lifestyles. This initiative involves special needs children
  • Breakfast Support Program for students
  • Hot lunch program
  • Making our school a greener place
  • School Mindfulness Initiative
  • Grenville goes green
  • Breakfast twice a week
  • Promoting healthy and safe lifestyles
  • Revitalization project for student breezeway
  • Start your day well
  • Sensory equipment in all schools 2017
  • Multi Sensory equipment in all schools 2018

Leadership – $31,390

  • Learn the basic skills to operate a small business
  • Develop an in-school business
  • Pedagogical program for special needs adult students
  • Develop positive behavior system
  • PEACE program to deal with relational aggression among girls in the elementary school
  • Leaders in Training program
  • Laurentia and McCaig Penpals
  • Playground Leadership program
  • Advanced Student Leadership
  • Work Orientated Training Path Projects
  • Student Support Services Support Centre-a New Direction
  • St Jude Patrol
  • Laurier Lounge
  • Leadership program

Safety and Security – $105,493

  • Contributed $50,000 towards the safety and security initiative of the school board by installing camera equipment
  • First Aid camp
  • Buddy Bench Program
  • Gay Straight Alliance Room
  • PETE’S Sensory Room in school
  • Sensory equipment for all schools in 2023

Sports – $75,011

  • Rugby Concentration Program which is part of the Physical Education and Health Program
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics & Circus Techniques program which focuses on encouraging physical activity and fostering an appreciation for the arts
  • Inter Scholastic Basketball league which will involve over one hundred elementary students from schools in the Â鶹´«Ã½AV
  • Basketball Jamboree to promote health, wellness and sportsmanship amongst students
  • Diversify options in music & football
  • Continue after-school sports activities
  • Create a rugby team
  • SWLSB Indoor Soccer Tournaments
  • Cosom Hockey League
  • Establish juvenile-level football teams
  • Basketball League for 6 SWLSB schools
  • Basketball jamboree for 3 SWLSB schools
  • Fitness Centre Creation of a Learning Centre
  • SWL Basketball League
  • Desk bikes
  • Hockey program
  • Tchoukball
  • Hockey concentration
  • Rhythmic Gym & Circus Tech
  • Interscholastic Basketball
  • Hockey option
  • Basketball jamboree
  • Basketball for All
  • Climbing to Success
  • Multi Sports League SWLSB
  • Défi Laurier – Track and Field Day

Technology – $225,260

  • Multimedia projectors for every school
  • Interactive white boards for every school
  • Donated $50,000 towards the state-of-the-art career exploration laboratory at CDC Pont-Viau
  • Further develop the e-tech program
  • Technology & Literacy
  • Purchase iPads
  • Portable devices for students for the STEM program
  • Bibliothèque numérique
  • Chrome books
  • Using technology to engage at-risk learners
  • Chromebooks in the class
  • Digital Storybooks Grade 1 & Grade 6 collaborative project
  • 50 Ways to use the iPad in the classroom – Grade 4
  • Videoconferencing with Vanier
  • Acc learning project with Ericsson
  • One-to-one use of laptops
  • Embracing the Google platform
  • Use of Assistive Technology Supporting Mathematics Literacy
  • Differentiated reading & writing programs through use of technology
  • Smart Table for behaviour class
  • Laptops for students who have to isolate because of COVID-19
  • Bimodal equipment for online teaching